Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 1- Inital story pitch to class

This is the breakdown of the story i pitched to the class. I still havent thought of a decent title for it so ignore it at the moment.

Chicken Story

Set up 0-30seconds
We see a chicken looking out of a moving vehicle (her head is poked through a gap in the side, her cheeks and eye lids being pulled back in the wind (cartoony style) she looks content enjoying watching the countryside go by. All of a sudden the van she’s travelling in pulls (screeches up) throwing the chicken across in the back of the van. Camera pulls out from the van to unveil it’s actually a battery chicken exporter for Bernard Matthews arriving at a farm.
Led out of the van in military style the chicken soon realises she is not in a happy place.

Catalyst 25-30seconds
She is now dropped into a chicken coup. She looks nervously around seeing other chickens laying eggs at will, watching as their eggs fall onto a conveyor belt style contraption and lead away to a room. (the chickens will be doing this in a very laid back manner e.g. doing their nails, chatting etc)
When the chicken glances at one of the other chickens she looks very mean and immediately points to a sign which shows an equation chicken minus egg equals cooked chicken. It now dawns on her that she has to lay an egg. Something she has never done before.

First Turning Point 55-60seconds
The chicken now begins to strain trying to lay an egg jumping around doing what it takes to lay an egg but no luck. After a couple attempts she starts to think she won’t be able to lay an egg. A thought bubble now appears beside her with the KFC logo inside it the colonel laughing away. She turns to it squatting it away. The panic is really setting in now. Maybe have her trying to steal an egg from another chicken.

Final Confrontation 70-80seconds
In the process of a last final strain his cocks comb and wattle bursts out. Unveiling to everyone that she is actually a cockerel. This lights the eyes of the other chickens who now all become very smitten.

Resolution 70- 80 seconds
Relieved that he is actually a male. The farmer walks in saying ‘what’s he doing here’ yanks him by the neck out of the coup taking him through a set of doors. When the farmer goes through the door it slams shut with a sign on the door saying ‘Bernard Matthews Chicken Pie’.

The group and I decided that the best thing to do over the weekend was to think about the story and indidvdually decide if there is anything we would like to change or add. Also we decided that some early cocnepts might be a good way top get us moving on the look of the animation

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